Press the button to open a form to apply for a free consultation.

Filling out the form and submitting it does not create an attorney-client relationship. Do not put any confidential information into the form. The attorney-client relationship is not established until you have signed the engagement letter.

High-Quality Criminal Legal Defense

Call/ Text: 412-819-8798

220 Grant Street, 5th Floor, Pittsburgh, PA 15219


When you hire my law firm,


  1. I will personally represent you at your court appearance. I will never send another attorney to your court hearing unless you fully understand why and provide full consent. (The only time this would happen is if I have a scheduling conflict outside of my control.)

  2. If we conduct a preliminary hearing, I will personally record the hearing and provide you with a digital copy, or we will have the court reporter transcribe the hearing (at an additional cost). One way or the other, you will get a copy of the preliminary hearing that you paid for.

  3. I will personally research and write your motions and petitions. I will never hire another attorney, intern, law student, law clerk, or paralegal to “ghost write” any document that I file on your behalf. From time-to-time, I might work with, and consult with, other attorneys, experts, or professionals, but the documents that I file in your case will be my work product.

You might think that these three guarantees go without saying when you hire an attorney or lawfirm to represent you. Before you hire an attorney or firm to represent you or your loved one, ask them if they are willing to give you this guarantee. I pride myself on my legal skill, my attention to detail, and my zealous advocacy. When you hire me, you get me, and you know what getting— every time.


Aaron Sontz, Esq.

Aaron Sontz Legal Services, P.C.